put blinkies here (maybe marquee if theres a ton i want here)


welcome to my little website! i'm moth, the webmaster. i'm in my 20's and have finally picked up the courage to make my own little safe haven away from the world!

featured here will be all my interests, a personal blog, any collections i may have, and other pretty neat things. i'm learning code as i go, so there will be a ton of visual changes within this current layout as i go. i hope you enjoy your stay here ^w^

please note that this website will contain profanity and will in general be 13+. no explicit nsfw will be here otherwise.

miniblog (temporary)

30.08.24 - coding is so interesting. you can code for hours at a time and still feel as if you didn't get much progress done. i feel like i changed a ton of stuff today but at a glance, my site still looks fairly the same conpared to how i left it yesterday. i'm not too bothered or upset by this! merely just an observation after staring at lines of code for long periods of time. (also can you tell i love my scrollable mini text boxes?