/ (⁎˃ᆺ˂)\
  • hero, gonna prove my version of justice
  • is more just than yours
  • uno, remaining on this stage
  • i am the only one
  • i am my biggest fan
  • i am my enemy and my friend.


welcome to my little website! i'm moth, the webmaster. i'm 25 and have finally picked up the courage to make my own little safe haven away from the world!

featured here will be all my interests, a personal blog, any collections i may have, and other pretty neat things. i'm learning code as i go, so there will be a ton of visual changes within this current layout as i go. i hope you enjoy your stay here ^w^


i deleted this scrollbox and proceeded to break the entire site. idk how that happened. i'm too tired to figure it out. so this scrollbox will remain here for the time being. woe is me D: